Weekly Challenges

Week 4

  • Read Matthew 9:9-13. Matthew left behind his tax collector’s booth, and the first thing he did was celebrate! He left behind what ensnared him, and so he throws a party inviting all his friends.

    On Sunday, we dropped our nets together demonstrating our surrender to Jesus. Now it’s time to celebrate! Who do you need to celebrate with today? Host a gathering, throw a party, and find a way to celebrate following Jesus with others.

  • Read Psalm 100. This psalm is packed with promises and praises. Pick a verse from this psalm and write it down. Work on memorizing it this week.

  • Read Psalm 150. This psalm celebrates God with music and dancing. Take time to praise God today with music! Play your favorite worship song or go somewhere where you feel God’s presence: outside, to a sanctuary, a special place in your home. Praise God with all that you have proclaiming, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.”

  • Read Matthew 6:25-30. Jesus promises to take care of us. Spend time outside today. Look for birds and flowers. As you watch them, think about how God has taken care of you in the past. Bring your worries to God in prayer. As you ponder these worries, remind yourself of the words of Jesus.

  • Read Romans 8:31-39 aloud. Say the words like they mean something to you! Avoid letting your voice become monotonous. Instead, shout this passage or sing it! Say this passage in a way that declares the truth of God’s promises.

Week 3

  • Christian discipleship recognizes that sacrifice is to give up something you love for something you love more. Discipleship begins when you’re willing to let go of what you’re grasping to receive what God has for you. Read Matthew 10:37-39 aloud. What does this mean for you? Spend time in prayer today reflecting on this concept. Pray that God will guide your steps to live this scripture out.

  • Read Genesis 12:1-5 and Hebrews 11:1-16. These are great examples of people who pursued what God had for them even when it cost them something. Notice Abraham’s story–specifically, what he gave up and what God promised.
    How does faith make our sacrifices possible? Meditate on the promises of God today.

  • Read Matthew 13:44-46. People make sacrifices all the time. We make choices about how to spend our time, what to do with our money, and how to prepare for the future. Have you ever sacrificed for someone or something? Was that sacrifice worth it? This parable points out the joy of discovering the kingdom of God. How can our sacrifices make it possible for more people to experience the kingdom of God? Pray that God will use FCC to reveal the kingdom of God to more people for generations to come.

  • Read Matthew 19:16-30. Sometimes we act like we can follow Jesus without sacrifice; as if we can just add Jesus to our lives and keep living the way we want to. Jesus challenges this concept by asking this man to leave his life behind. He challenges the man to go all-in. What are you holding tightly to? What would it look like for you to loosen your grasp on those things? Jesus says that, with God, all things are possible. Pray that God will give you the strength to follow Jesus fully.

  • Read Matthew 4:18-22. This upcoming Sunday, we will write down our commitments to symbolize “dropping our nets” to follow Jesus. Take a look at page 23 of the All In Guidebook. Talk to God about the choices you need to make to follow Jesus completely. Is God leading you to a new commitment, to finish strong, or even to increase your commitment? Pray over your commitment, and pray for FCC as we step forward to make these commitments together on Sunday.

Week 2

  • Read Matthew 14:13-21. The disciples had 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish – an amount of food so small that they didn’t think it was worth mentioning. Notice what happens when they surrender this to Jesus – he multiplies it!

    Spend the day noticing what God has given you. In a journal or on your phone’s notes app, keep a list of these things throughout your day. It may include things like the $10 in your bank account, the tasty lunch you ate, your friendships, or your job. At the end of today, offer these things up to God. Imagine what God could do if you entrusted him with these things. How might God multiply them to accomplish God’s mission on earth?

  • Read Matthew 6:19-21. Our hearts are guided by the things we invest in. What things take the most time or money in your life right now? How has this affected your heart? Where do you want your heart to be? Write down a step you can take today to make sure your heart is on Jesus above everything else.

  • Read pages 7-10 of the All In Guidebook. How do these strategies multiply our impact for Jesus? For example, our expanded children’s spaces will allow future generations to learn about Jesus. Make a list of the ways you hope the Cannonball Initiative will multiply our kingdom impact. Pray that God will bless these things so that more and more people know Jesus.

  • Read Luke 18:18-27. Discipleship beings when you’re willing to let go of what you’re grasping to receive what God has for you. Here we see someone struggling to let go of something, and it prevents him from receiving what Jesus has for him.

    Make a list of the different things Jesus would want to multiply or provide in this man’s life. Which of those things resonate with you? What would Jesus want to grow in you? What could Jesus be wanting to give you?

  • Read 2 Corinthians 9:6-15. This passage contains a multitude of beautiful truths about how God shows up in generosity. In one column, write down how we are to give. In another column, write down what God does when we give.
    What describes your generosity today? In light of this passage, how might God be leading you?

Week 1

  • Read Matthew 4:18-22 Simon, Andrew, James, and John dropped their nets to follow Jesus; nets that represented their livelihoods, their legacies, and their families. These nets were such a high priority and they laid them down so they might follow Jesus.

    Make a list of your highest priorities: friends, family, your job, financial security, etc. It’s easy to cling to these things. What would it look like to drop them to follow God?

  • Read Matthew 9:35-38. Christian discipleship recognizes that the first miracle of grace is mission and ministry. Pray that God will "send out workers into his harvest field." Pray that God will equip you and direct you to be on that mission.

  • The Cannonball vision is rooted in the mission and ministry of God. Look at pages 10-18 in the All In Guidebook. What gets you most excited as we see this mission come alive? Thank God for the fruit we’ve already seen.

    Now look at pages 7-10. Which parts of the Cannonball vision are you most eager to help bring about? Pray over these ministry opportunities, and pray that God will work through FCC to make waves of impact for generations to come.

  • Read Matthew 28:17-20. This text shows us that we are a people with a mission, and the mission is to make disciples. Jesus doesn't tell us to make converts, but to make disciples. Copy this sentence onto a piece of paper: "I'm a person called to a mission." Put this paper somewhere you'll see it every day - your mirror, kitchen counter, wallet. How can you take a step to be on mission today?

  • Pray that God will use All In to teach you to surrender to Jesus, and to receive the life Jesus offers you. Offer up the next four weeks to God. Pray that God will work in you during this series.

    In a few weeks we'll have an opportunity to make a commitment together to go All In with Jesus. Pray today that God will make you ready for that commitment.