A cannonball requires full commitment - going “all in.” It’s the same way in our lives with Christ. When we follow Jesus, we have to decide to jump and commit fully. Will you take the jump and surrender to God’s ways and purposes?
Week 1
Week 2
Before God works through us, God first works in us. Through Jesus, we have the opportunity to be a new creation and to live a transformed life. How is God transforming you into Christlikeness?
We all want to make a lasting difference in the world. Are you making waves? Let's take action together to make an impact and leave a kingdom building legacy.
Week 3
Week 4
As Cannonball disciples, we're called to prioritize following God above everything else. This means we must learn that where our treasure is, our hearts will be also. God invites us to anchor our lives in the things of God rather than the things of this world through generosity. How will you jump into generosity?
The Cannonball initiative is an opportunity for us to do more than just think nice thoughts about commitment to God’s work. We need to make a plan, and act on that plan. What do you need to do to be ready to plunge into the purposes of God?